Hello, my name is V.L.Howard.
I am the author of two books, Exodus and Passages. I’m currently working on Gateway, the third in this saga. But today I'm here to introduce you to the first book, Exodus.
The first thing you should know is who or what is Castalar.
Who Is Castalar?
He and his kind are rare creatures existing as energy and bright light. (How’s that for vague?) They are born or rather burst into existence in the vastness of deep space. Then as if waiting for the event to happen, four spiritual entities are stationed in the precise location awaiting his birth.
Their job is to guide Castalar to seek out a dead crystalline core planet. Once found, he will ultimately feed upon the planet's hidden supply of energy within the stones. Simultaneously, he will begin terraforming its surface from the extracted DNA he acquired along the way through space. Ok, that’s done, now we can talk about the book.
Exodus is a story of one of Castalar's DNA creations known as the Borrion~I. These beginnings were unfortunately sent through a portal as a means of escaping an attack by dragons. What was not known amongst all the chaos, was that the portal exited 400 years in the past on a separate continent. The event, needless to say, will trigger a cascade of life-altering changes to not only Khellin, the Borrion~I chieftain left behind to defend his homelands, but to his missing clansmen as well.
Not grabbing you yet? Trust me I will. This book and the characters’ lives within will lead you willingly down the proverbial rabbit hole. But unlike Alice, you won't want to climb back out. Passages is waiting for you there.