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For over a year Brezlin has waited for the mysterious Veil to fall and release the Sumaset. This unsuspecting clan had been trapped within the confines of a portal-type Veil forged by the powerful dragon known as Amerrest and transported for hundred years into the future. Though this was their best hope for survival, Ammerest could not stop the inevitable. Armed with the knowledge of a civil war that has yet to happen, Brezlin, a young inexperienced leader, and his small clan of Ol'Sakay warriors are tasked with the training of these new Borrion~I to fight. 

Coming Soon


When faced with the primal act of survival, how far would you go to stay alive?
Compound this by a thousand, the number of your people in your care. With only you with your dwindling warriors here to Protect them from a manic group of black dragons attacking. This is the exact predicament Khellin finds himself in. As chieftain of the Ol'sackay, Khellin's main priority is the health and safety of his clan, but right now both are being threatened. Astride his Winddoger, Khellin watches helplessly while hundreds of his warriors lay dying all around him in this bitter fight for their lives. Desperate, Khellin turns to the only being left that can possibly help his people, Aslean.



A lifetime has passed since Breslin and his people were forced through the portals set by Aslean in the great Exodus from Versa. Now given the chance to be that much closer to home than when and where they are now, Breslin's remnant of the Ol'sackay clan has accepted the offer made by the great dragon, Amerrest. They eagerly pass through another portal, appearing four hundred years into the future, setting foot on a new, yet familiar land. Struggling to survive, the small band eventually discovers a mysterious, shimmering veil.

I’ve been asked to write about myself, which is a strange thing to do. I have no grand talents to speak of, not a member of a fancy book club, and no Publishing Company is beating down my door, not yet. I did not graduate from high school, and trust me when I say English and Spelling were the least of my skill sets back when I was attending High School. 

Currently, I thank God every day for spell check, Grammarly, and my good friend Shari Childress, who takes great delight in laughing at my constant misuse of the English language. 

I started writing ‘The Curse’ thirty-six years ago. I have a friend named Lynne Brinkley who wrote a short about wolves that I rather liked. I told myself, “If she can do it, so can I!” Twelve handwritten pages later, I was stuck. Looking back on those crumpled pages, which I still have, I do not know what I could have possibly been thinking! So I sat down at a typewriter and pecked out each word. Over time ‘The Curse’ was born.

 I thank God for every visual I received when writing this series. In case you have not noticed, I have strong faith in God. Though I am certain the books I have written hardly qualify as Christian, I will stand by them. Currently, I thank God every day for spell check, Grammarly, and my good friend Shari Childress. Who takes great delight in laughing at my constant misuse of the English language. To my joy and surprise, God sent me Shari. She has such a heart for my books that it makes me smile when we can debate a scene or a character at such great lengths as if they were real people, she is a true gift.

I have been writing and rewriting these stories for so long that I know every nook and cranny of every creature, landmass, and character in all seven books. Over time they have become my imaginary friends of sorts (ok, now I sound lonely, I have lots of friends) needless to say, you could ask me anything I will have an answer. 

Anyway, all I can say is that I am vastly under-qualified to write such convoluted, emotional, often funny stories, but I did, and I am damn proud of them.

V.L. Howard

Read straight from the mind of Fantasy Fiction Author, V.L. Howard, and check out her blog where she gives character breakdowns and a deeper insight into the world of Versa.

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Epic Fantasy

This is an incredible story. It is so detailed and intense reading. I quickly became absorbed with the different characters and their incredible journey. I felt a little sorry for the character Brezlin at the end. This reminds me of Tolkien’s world-building. The glossary at the end is very useful. A great read. I highly recommend it

- Jan

If you're a sci-fi/fantasy adventure fan looking for your next read, I would recommend Borrion~I: The Exodus, Book one. Highly imaginative and compelling, the story takes place on the planet Versa where clans of human/catlike shapeshifters fight for survival against black dragons. That fight leads some to take protection by traveling through a time portal... but, will loved ones reunite when all is said and done? This is a suspenseful, emotional tale with surprising twists. Very well-written, the author paid great attention to world-building and developed characters richly.

- Rose

An absolute read!

A one of a kind. Very well written, The plot is mind blowing and the twists is so amazing! Pure joy it is! Highly recommended.

- W. Drake


This book is not all blood and guts nor is it explicit sex on every page. It's about the life and journey of a people left behind, forced to face hard challenges and still grow into mighty people like they once were.

- Donald L.

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